Tuesday, 10 February 2015

I live a pretty simple life I guess. Take care of my family, work and I love my pets. I have a Shih- zu   named Molly who came to live with us when she was four, two cats of my own Mickey (Blue Eyes) who I got when he was three he is beautiful he is a Blue Point Himalayan and a Tuxedo Cat named MaMa kitty that we ended up with when we lived in Barrie Ontario she is almost ten years old. We also had my boyfriends son move in with us about a year and half ago he is eight-teen now and he brought his cat Bobby. Bobby is two years old and he is a very cute grey Tabby.So as you can see I have a very busy household.

I love my parents and I also have one sister we were born a year apart so even though we are very different we are very close. I try to talk to them as much as a can because I can't see them all the time because we live in different cities. Most important to me is trying my best to be a good person, good friend and always have empathy for other people. I work as a cashier in a family owned grocery store for almost six years I love my job. I have had many jobs over the years waitress, factories and I was a Home Support Worker for many years.

Regrets I have some but for the most part I try to enjoy life to the fullest every day and try not to live in the past. I love trying and experiencing new places, food, beauty and new products. I love to coupon, shop for the best deals, save money/ I guess I am pretty frugal but now a days you have to be. I like to entertain guests, cook , bake and I am always looking for great new recipes to try. I love fashion, books, decorating and even though I am not very crafty I like to try. I love social media Twitter, Instagram, Stumbleupon and Facebook. great way to keep in touch with new and old friends.

Right now I am into getting as healthy, fit and feeling great about myself inside as well as outside so my blogging will be about my journey with those subjects as well as healthy recipes and products.


  1. Very nice intro, Christine! Keep it up! We can do it :)

  2. Thanks Griechux I am glad you liked it. Thanks so much for hooking me up with this site. I love it.
